CITY Council




23 July 2020




Virtual Meeting - Skype


All Councillors:

You are summoned to join a meeting of the BRIGHTON & HOVE CITY COUNCIL to transact the under-mentioned business.



Mark Wall

Head of Democratic Services

01273 291006


















Public Involvement

The City Council actively welcomes members of the public and the press to attend its meetings and holds as many of its meetings as possible in public.

Note: in response to current Government Regulations this meeting is being held as a virtual meeting for councillors and accessible via Skype. Public speaking and engagement opportunities will be made available.


The meeting will also be webcast live to the internet.


Agendas and minutes are published on the council’s website  Agendas are available to view five working days prior to the meeting date.


Electronic agendas can also be accessed through our meetings app available through ModernGov: iOS/Windows/Android


This agenda and all accompanying reports are printed on recycled paper


















12       Declarations of Interest



(a)      Disclosable pecuniary interests;

(b)      Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

(c)       Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


In each case, you need to declare

(i)        the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

(ii)       the nature of the interest; and

(iii)      whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


If unsure, Members should seek advice from the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services Officer preferably before the meeting.





13       Minutes

5 - 110


To approve as a correct record the minutes of:

(a)  the last Ordinary Council meeting held on the 30 January 2020;

(b)  the Budget Council meeting held on the 27 February 2020;

(c)  the Special Council meeting held on the 23 April 2020; and

(d)  the Annual Council meeting held on the 14 May 2020.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006



Ward Affected:

All Wards






14       Mayor's Communications.



To receive communications from the Mayor.





15       To receive petitions and e-petitions.



Petitions will be presented by Members and/or members of the public to the Mayor at the meeting.





16       Written questions from members of the public.



A list of public questions received by the due date of 12noon on the 17 July will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006





17       Deputations from members of the public.



A list of deputations received by the due date of 12noon on the 17 July 2020 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006





18       Petitions for Council Debate

111 - 126


Petitions to be debated at Council.  Reports of the Monitoring Officer (copies attached).


(1)      Prioritise & Support Community Led Affordable Housing over Private Developers in the City. Lead petitioner Andrea Jones.


(2)                (a)   Re-open Madeira Drive to All Users. Lead petitioner Laura King.

          (b)  Keep Madeira Drive Closed for Traffic. Lead petitioner Ian Ross.


(3)      (a)  Remove Old Shoreham Road Cycle Lane Extension. Lead petitioner Peter Challis.

(b) Make the Old Shoreham Road Cycle Lane Extension Permanent and Establish a City-Wide Cycle Network Lead petitioner Chris Williams.


(4)      Declare Brighton & Hove to be an Anti-Racist City. Lead petitioner Mo Kanjilal.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006





6.30 - 7.00pm Refreshment Break

Note: A refreshment break is scheduled for 6.30pm although this may alter slightly depending on how the meeting is proceeding and the view of the Mayor.



19       Call Over for Reports of Committees.



(a)  Call over (items 22 - 24) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.


(b)  To receive or approve the reports and agree with their recommendations, with the exception of those which have been reserved for discussion.


(c)  Oral questions from Councillors on the Committee reports, which have not been reserved for discussion.





20       Written questions from Councillors.

127 - 204


A list of the written questions submitted by Members has been included in the agenda papers.  This will be repeated along with the written answers received and will be taken as read as part of an addendum circulated separately at the meeting.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006





21       Oral questions from Councillors

205 - 208


A list of Councillors who have indicated their desire to ask an oral question at the meeting along with the subject matters has been listed in the agenda papers.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006






Reports for Decision



22       Adoption of Brighton & Hove Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule

209 - 244


Extract from the proceedings of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee meeting held on the 7 May 2020, together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.



Contact Officer:

Sandra Rogers

Tel: 01273 292502



Ward Affected:

All Wards






23       Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2020-2023

245 - 436


Extract from the proceedings of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee meeting held on the 7 May 2020, together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.



Contact Officer:

Jo Player

Tel: 01273 292488



Ward Affected:

All Wards







Reports Referred for Information



24       Approach to Ongoing Personal Protective Equipment Expenditure: Update July 2020

437 - 442


Extract from the proceedings of the Policy & Resources Committee meeting held on the 9 July 2020 (to follow), together with a report of the Executive Director for Health & Adult Social Care.



Contact Officer:

Mark Wall

Tel: 01273 291006



Ward Affected:

All Wards







Notices of Motion



25       The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:

443 - 458


(1)      Madeira Drive.  Proposed by Councillor Wares on behalf of the Conservative Group.


(2)      Committing to Make Brighton & Hove Free of Modern Slavery.  Proposed by Councillor Appich on behalf of the Labour Group.


(3)      Black Lives Matter / Anti-Racist Council.  Proposed by Councillor Heley on behalf of the Green Group.


(4)      Historic Motoring Events on Madeira Drive.  Proposed by Councillor Nemeth on behalf of the Conservative Group.


(5)      Housing and Evictions.  Joint motion proposed by Councillor Childs on behalf of the Labour and Green Groups.


(6)      Litter Reduction.  Proposed by Councillor Littman on behalf of the Green Group.


(7)      Local Decision Making on Health and Adult Social Care. Joint motion proposed by Councillor Nield on behalf of the Green and Labour Groups.


(8)      Supporting Credit Union Workplace Savings Scheme. . Joint motion proposed by Councillor Moonan on behalf of the Labour and Green Groups.





26       Close of Meeting



The Mayor will move a closure motion under Procedure Rule 17 to terminate the meeting 4 hours after the beginning of the meeting (excluding any breaks/adjournments).


1.         The Mayor will put the motion to the vote and if it is carried will then:-

(a)      Call on the Member who had moved the item under discussion to give their right of reply, before then putting the matter to the vote, taking into account the need to put any amendments that have been moved to the vote first;

(b)      Each remaining item on the agenda that has not been dealt with will then be taken in the order they appear on the agenda and put to the vote without debate.

The Member responsible for moving each item will be given the opportunity by the Mayor to withdraw the item or to have it voted on.  If there are any amendments that have been submitted, these will be taken and voted on first in the order that they were received.

(c)      Following completion of the outstanding items, the Mayor will then close the meeting.

2.        If the motion moved by the Mayor is not carried the meeting will continue in the normal way, with each item being moved and debated and voted on.

3.        Any Member will still have the opportunity to move a closure motion should they so wish.  If such a motion is moved and seconded, then the same procedure as outlined above will be followed.

         Once all the remaining items have been dealt with the Mayor will close the meeting.






For Information









Geoffrey Raw








Chief Executive

Hove Town Hall

Norton Road











Date of Publication - Wednesday, 15 July 2020










In response to the current situation with Covid-19 and the easing of Regulations, this Committee meeting will be held virtually via Skype and web cast simultaneously. 


The City Council actively welcomes members of the public and the press to attend its meetings and holds as many of its meetings as possible in public.  Provision is also made on the agendas for public questions to committees and details of how questions can be raised can be found on the website and/or on agendas for the meetings.


The closing date for receipt of public questions and deputations for the next meeting is 12 noon on the fourth working day before the meeting.


For those members of the public wishing to actively take part in the meeting a link will be emailed so that they can join the meeting.


Meeting papers can be provided, on request, in large print, in Braille, on audio tape or on disc, or translated into any other language as requested.



This meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s website.  At the start of the meeting the Chair will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998.  Data collected during this web cast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy.


Therefore, by joining the meeting via the link provided you are deemed to be consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for the purpose of web casting and/or Member training.  If members of the public do not wish to have their image captured, they should ensure they do not use the skype video facility and provide a static image.



For further details and general enquiries about this meeting contact Mark Wall, (01273 291006, email or email


























Contact Officer:





Ward Affected:












Contact Officer:





Ward Affected: